
Signs that You May Suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Do you know what TMJ stands for? It stands for temporomandibular joint. The temporomandibular joint is the articulation that connects the jawbone with the temporal bone of the skull. As you take care of your teeth, you should take care of the TMJ. When the TMJ sounds odd or hurts, you may be suffering from TMD (temporomandibular disorder). What is TMD? The temporomandibular joint disorder consists of any clicking sounds, pain, or any abnormalities with the articulation. Some signs that you are experiencing it are: - Headaches - Ringing sounds in your ear - The locking of your jaw when opening or closing your mouth - A pop in your jaw - Sore jaw - Toothache If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you may benefit from our TMJ therapy in Okotoks. We will explain it further. TMD Diagnosis  Our dentist in Okotoks will ask many questions to detect what the problem could be. Since when you have the pain, if it has happened before, if you are doing any stressful activities that cause tension

What Are The Symptoms, Causes and Some Options for Managing TMJ Pain?

Do you ever experience pain in the muscles on the side of your face or in the joint where your jaw attaches to your skull? Do you ever experience “lockjaw” or problems completely opening or closing your mouth and jaw? Have you ever noticed a “clicking” sound when you open and shut your mouth? Do you suffer from seemingly unexplained neck pain, ear aches and even headaches that seem to be located near your temples? If you’ve answered yes to one or more of those questions, you may be among the 25 to 30% of Canadians who suffer from temporomandibular joint disorders (based on statistics kept by the Canadian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons). Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge that attaches your lower jaw to your skull on each side of your face. If you place your finger on the side of your face and open and close your jaw, you’ll feel that hinge and joint at work.  What causes temporomandibular joint disorders and pain? There are a wide variety of known causes of

What You Need to Know About Tooth Extractions

Tooth extraction is not the dreaded experience that you may imagine. Sure, a long time ago, it might have been unpleasant for patients because there weren’t new techniques and instruments available, but modern dentistry has changed all that. Tooth removal in Okotoks is like any other dental procedure. It won’t be the experience you are looking forward to experiencing, but it is not painful at all. What Leads to a Tooth Extraction? You may need to look for tooth removal near you if you: Have tooth decay – The most common reason for tooth extraction is tooth decay. The infection may advance and affect the nerve of the tooth and spread to the jawbone. When the damage is irreparable, you will need a dentist near you to extract it. Have an impacted tooth – Impacted teeth impact your bite function. Wisdom teeth, for example, tend to get impacted and cause severe pain. When they erupt, they increase your risk of suffering from dental cavities because they are way back in your mouth, and it i

Understanding Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation – What is it? Oral conscious sedation helps you receive your dental treatment when you are extremely anxious or nervous about visiting the dental clinic. It helps make your trip to the dentist less stressful. It is especially helpful to individuals with moderate to severe dental anxiety. For conscious oral sedation in Okotoks, visit your nearest dental clinic today.  Oral conscious sedation is a medication prescribed to you by your dentist to help you feel calmer and relax when you go in for your dental checkups or dental treatments. It helps patients with dental anxiety and who are nervous get through most of the common dental procedures.  What effect does oral conscious sedation have on an individual? Oral conscious sedation helps an anxious or nervous patient to remain calm and feel at ease throughout a dental procedure. The individual remains conscious but will be relaxed and feel no pain. Sometimes, patients are so relaxed from oral conscious sedati

Why We Need Professional Teeth Cleaning And Dental Exams

For most of us, having a beautiful smile adds that extra bit of self-confidence in our interactions with people, and we are prepared to go to large lengths to maintain our appearances. However, the beauty of your smile depends a lot more on your oral health than on any other factor. Even people who take great care of their oral hygiene often are unsatisfied with the state of their oral health. This happens primarily because our mouths have some inaccessible recesses that are very difficult to clean without the help of a dentist near you who uses special tools to clean and sanitize these tough areas of the mouth. Maintaining good oral health is also important for your overall health, as research has shown a correlation between periodontal disease and heart disease, strokes, and preterm or low birth weight. To further understand the importance of going for a professional dental cleaning or a dental exam near you , consider these factors: Prevention of gum disease - As mentioned

How To Choose The Best Dental Bridge For You

For patients with missing teeth, dental bridges offer an ideal solution, both for the appearance of their smile and for their oral health. A well-placed bridge from a dentist in Okotoks will not only look like a brand new natural tooth, but it can actually help maintain the integrity of your jaw.  A lot of people don’t realize that when you lose your teeth (or even just one tooth), you end up losing bone density as a consequence, and the remaining teeth begin shifting over time Add to that the benefits of being able to properly chew your food, and it’s easy to see why this procedure is so popular for patients. With that said, choosing the right dental bridge is a little more tricky.  Thanks to advancements in dental technology, there are now a whole host of options available to you depending on your specific situation.  Traditional Bridge The “traditional bridge” is what most people think of when they think of a bridge.  The artificial tooth is held in place and supported by the exist

What to Ask Your Dentist Before Getting Invisalign

What is Invisalign? Invisalign is a clear and discreet aligner that works as an alternative to metal braces. It is slowly becoming a popular option of treatment, especially among adults to straighten smiles and fix dental problems. They are made from clear BPA – free plastic in the shape of trays that are worn behind the teeth and can be removed easily. Invisalign is made to custom fit your mouth using a mold that measures your mouth. Invisalign is a perfect solution to fix crooked or misaligned teeth. Are you nervous about getting Invisalign and have a ton of questions? Here are the most common questions you may ask your dentist before making your decision. How does Invisalign work? One of the most common questions asked is the functionality and effectiveness of Invisalign. Similar to that of Traditional Braces, Invisalign pushes your teeth in places without the use of elastic bands and metal wires. The aligners put enough pressure to straighten your teeth over time. The aligners mu