Why We Need Professional Teeth Cleaning And Dental Exams

why we need professional teeth cleaning and dental exams

For most of us, having a beautiful smile adds that extra bit of self-confidence in our interactions with people, and we are prepared to go to large lengths to maintain our appearances. However, the beauty of your smile depends a lot more on your oral health than on any other factor. Even people who take great care of their oral hygiene often are unsatisfied with the state of their oral health. This happens primarily because our mouths have some inaccessible recesses that are very difficult to clean without the help of a dentist near you who uses special tools to clean and sanitize these tough areas of the mouth.

Maintaining good oral health is also important for your overall health, as research has shown a correlation between periodontal disease and heart disease, strokes, and preterm or low birth weight.

To further understand the importance of going for a professional dental cleaning or a dental exam near you, consider these factors:

  1. Prevention of gum disease - As mentioned above, gum infections and other periodontal diseases are related to heart disease, which is why is it essential to eliminate any chances of their development. Although practising good dental hygiene habits is a good way to prevent gum infections, it may not be enough. Regular dental cleanings can keep your mouth free of any plaque or cavities, which are the starting points of periodontal disease.
  2. Early detection of oral cancer - According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, every hour an American dies of oral cancer. Unfortunately, in most cases, the disease has progressed into an advanced stage by the time it is discovered and treated. Dental exams can help to a large extent in detecting early signs of oral cancer as a screening for oral cancer forms a part of them. As for most diseases, regular dental appointments with your dentist in Okotoks will help discover the early symptoms that might be a warning for oral cancer.
  3. Maintaining good oral health - It is a known fact that good oral health is responsible for providing a boost to your self-esteem. A perfect set of teeth showing through your smile is not only a sign of good oral health, but it also indicates how much importance you attach to personal hygiene. Plaques and cavities, gum infections, bad breath, and darkening or yellowing teeth, can cause serious blows to a person’s self-esteem. During professional teeth cleanings, a dentist uses special tools and techniques for thoroughly cleaning your teeth and gums that give far better results than regular brushing and flossing.
  4. Prevention of tooth loss - Tooth decay that goes untreated for a long period can ultimately result in the tooth being lost. A good way to prevent such an event is to go for professional teeth cleaning at least two times a year, to remove any causes of decay or infections that might be developing inconspicuously in your mouth. During such sessions, your dentist might recommend a dental exam to detect any signs of periodontal disease. Both of these methods help to keep your oral health in good shape so that you do not end up with critical dental issues that end in tooth loss.
  5. Saving the expense on future treatments - Most dental treatments, like root canals, tooth extractions, or getting dental implants, cost a considerable amount of money. Although your dental insurance plan might cover such expansive treatments, the time and labour lost in the process cannot be insured! Professional teeth cleanings and dental exams, also covered by most dental plans, can eliminate the need for root canals or other dental treatments, by keeping your oral health in perfect shape. They are also a good way of letting you know in advance about any signs of imminent problems so that you can prepare for the expense in case your dental plan does not cover it.

With all these factors in mind, it wouldn’t hurt to search for a dental office offering dental cleanings in Okotoks. At Essential Dentistry, your oral health is of high priority to us.

