Signs that You May Suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Do you know what TMJ stands for? It stands for temporomandibular joint. The temporomandibular joint is the articulation that connects the jawbone with the temporal bone of the skull. As you take care of your teeth, you should take care of the TMJ.

When the TMJ sounds odd or hurts, you may be suffering from TMD (temporomandibular disorder).

What is TMD?

The temporomandibular joint disorder consists of any clicking sounds, pain, or any abnormalities with the articulation. Some signs that you are experiencing it are:

- Headaches

- Ringing sounds in your ear

- The locking of your jaw when opening or closing your mouth

- A pop in your jaw

- Sore jaw

- Toothache

If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you may benefit from our TMJ therapy in Okotoks. We will explain it further.

TMD Diagnosis 

Our dentist in Okotoks will ask many questions to detect what the problem could be. Since when you have the pain, if it has happened before, if you are doing any stressful activities that cause tension, if you can open and close your mouth normally, etc.

Depending on your answer and symptoms, they may suggest medication, mouthguards, physical therapy, or a combination of treatments. In more severe cases, they may recommend surgical treatment.

TMD Treatment

Our TMJ treatment in Okotoks starts with the least to the most invasive. Our doctor may suggest the following:

1. Medication – If your TMD is due to some stressful situation that is happening right now, they may suggest you take over-the-counter painkillers or muscle relaxants (or both).

2. Mouthguards – If you grind your teeth, you may benefit from a mouthguard. It Will help to release tension and prevent jaw issues.

3. Stretching – You may acquire TMJ treatment near you that consists of massaging your articulation. Your dental professional will teach you multiple exercises for you to do at home, three times a day (and the more, the better).

4. Psychotherapy – If the TMD is due to stress, your dentist may suggest that you visit a psychotherapist that helps you cope with the situation.

5. Surgical treatment - If the pain is too severe, and you have had it for long, and nothing else has helped you, you may need to undergo a more invasive TMJ therapy near you, such as TMJ arthroscopy.

Other Recommendations

Our dentist near you Will advise you to reduce any habits that cause more tension, such as nail-biting, chewing objects, etc. They also recommend the following:

- Apply ice – If you are in pain, applying an ice pack ten minutes on/off at home may alleviate it.

- Avoid chewing gum – Chewing gum excessively tires your joint, and it may cause soreness and pain.

- Stick to soft foods – Try eating soft foods when you are in pain.

- Breathe – Meditation techniques are helpful to reduce stress. Breathing in and out several times Will help you calm and soften the muscles.

The Bottom Line

The temporomandibular joint connects your jaw with your skull. It should not hurt, and if it does, you probably have TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder). If you are experiencing issues with the articulation, such as clicking sounds, pain, soreness, you must visit a dentist near you for an evaluation.

Depending on the severity of the problem, they might suggest massaging the articulation, using mouthguards (in the case of people with bruxism), taking muscle relaxants or pain medication, and even visiting a psychotherapist to reduce stress.

Following the instructions of your dentist will help you reduce the pain and have better life quality.
