
Showing posts from December, 2020

How To Choose The Best Dental Bridge For You

For patients with missing teeth, dental bridges offer an ideal solution, both for the appearance of their smile and for their oral health. A well-placed bridge from a dentist in Okotoks will not only look like a brand new natural tooth, but it can actually help maintain the integrity of your jaw.  A lot of people don’t realize that when you lose your teeth (or even just one tooth), you end up losing bone density as a consequence, and the remaining teeth begin shifting over time Add to that the benefits of being able to properly chew your food, and it’s easy to see why this procedure is so popular for patients. With that said, choosing the right dental bridge is a little more tricky.  Thanks to advancements in dental technology, there are now a whole host of options available to you depending on your specific situation.  Traditional Bridge The “traditional bridge” is what most people think of when they think of a bridge.  The artificial tooth is held in place and supported by the exist